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Your Guide to CNA Salary in Ohio [2024]

Ohio has an average certified nursing assistant (CNA) wage of $34,110 annually or $16.40 per hour. In relationship with the surrounding states, it is the fourth highest-paying state for CNAs.

Area AverageAnnual Wage Mean Hourly Wage Area AverageAnnual Wage Mean Hourly Wage
Akron $33,650 $16.18 Canton-Massillon $32,760 $15.75
Cincinnati $34,390 $16.53 Cleveland-Elyria $35,790 $17.21
Columbus $34,680 $16.67 Dayton $34,030 $16.36
Huntington-Ashland $32,650 $15.70 Lima $31,250 $15.02
Mansfield $30,980 $14.90 Springfield $32.860 $15.80
Toledo $34,170 $16.43 Weirton-Steubenville $31,660 $15.22
Wheeling $31,400 $15.10 Youngstown-Warren-Boardman $31,530 $15.16
West Northwestern Ohio nonmetropolitan area $32,170 $15.47 North Northeastern Ohio nonmetropolitan area $32,510 $15.63
Eastern Ohio nonmetropolitan area $33,390 $16.05 Southern Ohio nonmetropolitan area $33,110 $15.92

This resource provides publicly available information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the MIT Living Wage Calculator about average CNA salaries, employment, location quotient, and living wage in Ohio (most recent information as of December 2023). While Nursa currently offers independent contractor CNAs in Ohio the opportunity to access per diem jobs that pay on an hourly basis rather than access to salaried or wage-based employment opportunities, this information may be a helpful frame of reference for you as you assess the market landscape both in regard to per diem jobs and employment opportunities.

What’s the Average CNA Salary in the State of Ohio?

CNAs in Ohio can enjoy a decent salary and explore small-town charm on days off work.

The average CNA wage in Ohio is 6.18 percent lower than the national average, which is $36,220 annually and $17.41 hourly.  

The following list shows the typical range of CNA wages in Ohio:

  • 10th percentile: $28,740
  • 25th percentile: $30,420
  • 50th percentile: $34,990
  • 75th percentile: $36,830
  • 90th percentile: $38,830

The percentiles show the group of CNAs that earn less than the amount indicated. For example, 10 percent of CNAs earn less than $28,740, and 90 percent earn more.

How Much Do CNAs Make in Ohio?

As you can see in the previous chart, nursing assistants earn different wages per area. On that note, the following list shows some of the highest-paying cities in Ohio for CNAs.

In these four Ohio cities, patient care techs (PCTs) will also be more likely to find jobs with higher wages.

Employment in Ohio by Area 

Knowing how much you can earn in Ohio may help you choose the best option when considering independent contractor work or applying for salaried or wage-based employment. Furthermore, becoming aware of the areas with a higher number of employed CNAs can give you a hint at job opportunities in the different cities of Ohio. The following chart shows the employment and the location quotient (LQ) by metropolitan or nonmetropolitan area.

Area Employment LQ Area Employment LQ
Akron 3,330 1.20 Canton-Massillon 2,360 1.65
Cincinnati 10,810 1.15 Cleveland-Elyria 12,120 1.39
Columbus 9,410 1 Dayton 4,120 1.28
Huntington-Ashland 1,590 1.41 Lima 590 1.36
Mansfield 460 1.08 Springfield 610 1.47
Toledo 3,280 1.30 Weirton-Steubenville 520 1.60
Wheeling 860 1.67 Youngstown-Warren-Boardman 2,450 1.39
West Northwestern Ohio nonmetropolitan area 2,250 1.03 North Northeastern Ohio nonmetropolitan area 4,083 1.43
Eastern Ohio nonmetropolitan area 2,090 1.79 Southern Ohio nonmetropolitan area 2,380 1.71

The LQ shows the concentration of CNAs by area compared to the national average. A national LQ average equals one. Therefore, an LQ above or below one means a higher or lower CNA concentration by area than the national average.

What is a State-Tested Nursing Assistant?

STNA stands for state-tested nurse aid, and the term is only used in Ohio, for in other states, they are known as CNAs (certified nursing assistants) and have the same functions as nursing assistants. Read more about STNAs here.

What’s the Average Cost of Living in Ohio?

These are some considerations regarding the cost of living in Ohio that give you an idea of the amount you need to make to cover your basic expenses. Now that you know the average certified nursing assistant wage in different areas of Ohio, you can determine if it covers your basic costs.

If you are single, you generally must earn $15.33 per hour to cover your basic expenses. However, if your partner and you have a single income, you must make $25.41 per hour. Moreover, if you both work, each must make $12.68 per hour. All these amounts are based on working full-time and don’t factor in the added cost of having children.

CNAs who enjoy bike rides or walks in nature can enjoy the several parks offered in Ohio.

How Can I Become a CNA in Ohio?

To become a CNA, you must take Ohio’s approved CNA classes through the Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program (NATCEP), comprising 75 training hours. After completing the training hours, it is necessary to take the CNA test within four months. 

After completing these requirements, you can obtain your certified nursing assistant license (with certain considerations). Afterward, you can enter Ohio’s nurse aide registry and look up the status of your CNA license.

The following list shows a few interesting CNA programs in Ohio:

  • Lorain County Community College
  • Sinclair College
  • Warren County Career Center
  • Great Oaks Institute of Technology and Career Development
  • Knox Technical Center: Adult Education

How to Find Per Diem Independent Contractor CNA Jobs in Ohio

There are various ways to find nurse assistant jobs, but the Internet makes it more accessible. For example, if you are looking for hospital CNA jobs in Ohio, you can type it in your browser, and you will find numerous choices. Nevertheless, this way could be overwhelming and time-consuming.   

There is a more efficient path for finding jobs, and it is using Nursa, where you can find per diem CNA jobs in Ohio. Nursa is an open nurse market that connects CNAs, licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and registered nurses (RNs) with different facilities.

Per diem means “by the day,” so in this type of job, when you finish the shift, you finish the job and are free to search for a new one. You will have many advantages with this type of job. You will have great flexibility since you decide where you want to work and when. In addition, you can earn higher hourly rates than with staff positions.

The following chart directly links to per diem jobs in different cities in Ohio. 

Read more about working in Ohio as a nurse or nursing assistant.

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