State Licensing Waiver

State Licensing Waiver credentials enable nurses to practice nursing and provide patient care in states in which they are not otherwise properly licensed. This credential helps nurses provide services in rural or underserved areas where access to care is limited. It allows nurses to treat patients, under limited circumstances, even if they do not have a full license in that state. The specific requirements of each waiver are determined by each state's health department or board of nursing.

Waivers may be limited to nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, certified registered nurse anesthetists, or other specialty roles. Provisional or emergency waivers are usually granted in times of emergency or hardship in order to provide relief. These waivers are also useful for recognizing nurses from other states and allowing them to work in times of high demand or need. They provide an additional way for nurses to practice in multiple states and help bring healthcare to rural areas with limited options.


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Ahdreuna Leon testimonial about Nursa

Grateful about the opportunity!”

“I love how Nursa provides the opportunity for caregivers to offer our skill sets and experience to facilities in need, while also being able to give clients/ residents compassion, being someone to brighten their day, and most importantly helping to make sure they are safe.”

Ahdreuna Leon

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A better control of my time!”

“I love that I can choose my schedule and not stress so much about work. I also love that I can be responsible for my own work. I now feel like I get treated the way I deserve and still make a huge difference in my patients’ lives.”

Felicia Moffett

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