Guide to Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Requirements By State

picture of a nurse at home with laptop earning CEUs
Written by
Lori Fuqua
July 28, 2023

Nursing is a dynamic profession with a front-row seat in the healthcare industry as it expands, transforms, and advances. Continued education is your ticket to that seat, and it is (in most cases) obligatory to keep practicing as a nurse. 

Table of Contents

An Overview of Continuing Education Credit Hours

What are CEUs in nursing? Continuing education hours, or continuing education units (CEUs), are the number of hours or units a nurse completes through a professional training program. 

Continuing nursing education (CNE), also known as continued education (CE), is vital to keeping nurses up-to-date on current laws and best practices. There are many states, such as Ohio, where the State Board of Nursing may require one of the CEUs to be specifically about the law. 

Units. Hours. Regardless of the term used, continuing education is a requirement for nursing licensure renewal in most states.

Nursing isn't the only profession to have a CEU component to maintain licensure, so don't feel singled out. It makes sense that while you are done with a nursing program (unless you decide to go back to up your licensure level), you are not done learning. Continuing education courses are an important way for the industry to educate nurses on what's new: technologies, techniques, information, models, systems, best practices, challenges, and so on. Moreover, CEUs aren't only about what is new. They're excellent opportunities to brush up on old skills that you haven't used in a while or information that has gotten cobwebby over time. Keep your skills sharp, keep learning, and keep that nursing license active!

How Can I Maintain My Nursing License?

It's an important distinction that not all proffered training courses that market to nurses are actually valid for CEUs towards maintaining your nursing license. Look for opportunities that have been accredited by a professional organization within your state of practice, and be sure the CEUs are appropriate to your level of licensure. 

For example, not all training courses for licensed practical or vocational nurses (LPNs/LVNs) will offer valid CEUs for registered nurses (RNs) or nurse practitioners (NPs). Furthermore, check with your state board of nursing, as some have stricter lists of approved providers than others. 

How Much Do CEUs Cost?

You can find continuing education courses anywhere from free to upwards of $100. It depends a lot on the scope and size of the course; for example, conferences are likely to be more expensive. If you're looking for more economical options, check the websites of your state board of nursing, professional nursing organizations, universities that have nursing programs, and research or academic centers. 

Furthermore, many workplaces offer meetings that provide a certain number of CEUs for attendance and a certificate of completion. Additionally, a popular option for a large number of nurses is to purchase a program that meets the CEU requirements for their respective states within a single course.

What Are the CE Credit Hours Requirements by State?

As referenced above, not all states oblige nurses to complete CEUs to maintain their licensure, but it is the majority. If you have a compact nursing license and practice in multiple states, check with the board of nursing in the state that issued your multistate license to determine requirements. Here's a list of the state requirements as of June 2023. All requirement information listed is taken directly from the appropriate regulatory agency websites.

State LPN/LVN RN Additional Information Regulatory Agency Links
Alabama 24 hours of continuing education credits per license period 24 hours of continuing education credits per license period Cost of renewal is $103.50 Alabama Board of Nursing
Alaska Complete two of the following:
-30 contact hours of continuing education prescribed under 12 AAC 44.610 (certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the American Nurses Association (ANA), the American Medical Association (AMA), a nurse practitioner or nurse anesthetist certifying body or approved by another Board of Nursing)
-30 hours of participation in uncompensated professional activities prescribed under 12 AAC 44.620
- 320 hours of employment as an RN or LPN prescribed under 12 AAC 44.630
Complete two of the following:
-30 contact hours of continuing education prescribed under 12 AAC 44.610 (certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the American Nurses Association (ANA), the American Medical Association (AMA), a nurse practitioner or nurse anesthetist certifying body or approved by another Board of Nursing)
-30 hours of participation in uncompensated professional activities prescribed under 12 AAC 44.620
- 320 hours of employment as an RN or LPN prescribed under 12 AAC 44.630
Registered Nurse renewals: November 30 of even-numbered years
Licensed Practical Nurse renewals: September 30 of even-numbered years
Alaska Board of Nursing
Arizona Continuing education hours not required Continuing education hours not required RN/LPN renewal every four years Meet one of the following requirements:
-Practiced as a nurse for 960 hours or more in the past five years
-Graduated from a nursing program and obtained a degree within the past five years
-Completed an Arizona Board-approved refresher course in the past five years
-Obtained an advanced nursing degree in the past five years (i.e., LPN to RN, RN to BSN, masters, or doctorate)
Arizona Board of Nursing
Arkansas Complete the continuing education requirement by one of these methods:
-15 contact hours of appropriately accredited practice-focused activities
-Hold a current nationally recognized certification/recertification
- Completed a minimum of one college credit hour course in nursing with a grade of C or better during licensure period
Complete the continuing education requirement by one of these methods:
-15 contact hours of appropriately accredited practice-focused activities
-Hold a current nationally recognized certification/recertification
- Completed a minimum of one college credit hour course in nursing with a grade of C or better during licensure period
The Arkansas State Board of Nursing renews licenses on a staggered biennial birth date system. Arkansas Board of Nursing
California LVNs must complete 30 contact hours of continuing education every two years in order to renew their license with an active status. All RNs in the State of California who wish to maintain an active license are required to complete 30 contact hours of continuing education for license renewal. LVN helpful FAQ
RN online renewal guide
California Board of Registered Nursing
Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians
Colorado Continuing education hours not required Continuing education hours not required All registered nurse licenses expire on September 30 of odd- or even-numbered years and are dependent upon the issuance date.
All practical nurse licenses expire on August 31 of even-numbered years.
Colorado Board of Nursing
Connecticut After January 1, 2022, and once every six years thereafter, practical nurses are required to complete two contact hours of training or education on (1) screening for conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, risk of suicide, depression, and grief, and (2) suicide prevention training. One contact hour is defined as at least 50 minutes of instruction. After January 1, 2022, and once every six years thereafter, registered nurses are required to complete two contact hours of training or education on (1) screening for conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, risk of suicide, depression, and grief, and (2) suicide prevention training. One contact hour is defined as at least 50 minutes of instruction. Renewal notifications are sent by email only. Online renewal is required. Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing, Department of Public Health
Delaware At least 24 hours of CE are required for renewal. At least 30 hours of CE are required for renewal. Licensed practical nurse licenses expire on February 28 of even years.
Registered nurse licenses expire on February 28, May 31, or September 30 of odd years.
Delaware Board of Nursing
District of Columbia 18 hours are required for LPNs, two hours of which must be in LGTBQ or Cultural Awareness, and 10% of which must be in public health priorities of the district. (List in the link of renewal information column) 24 hours are required for RNs: two hours in COVID CE, two hours in LGTBQ or Cultural Awareness, three hours in HIV/AIDS or Director’s Topics. LPN Renewal 2023 CEU information
RN Renewal CEU information
District of Columbia Board of Nursing
Florida Complete 24 hours of appropriate CE during each renewal period, including two hours relating to prevention of medical errors, two hours in Laws and Rules in Nursing, two hours in Human Trafficking, and two hours in Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace every other biennium (every four years). In addition to these 24 hours of general CE, every third renewal, two hours of domestic violence CE must be completed for a total of 26 hours. Complete 24 hours of appropriate CE during each renewal period, including two hours relating to prevention of medical errors, two hours in Laws and Rules in Nursing, two hours in Human Trafficking, and two hours in Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace every other biennium (every four years). In addition to these 24 hours of general CE, every third renewal, two hours of domestic violence CE must be completed for a total of 26 hours. The Florida Board of Nursing uses an online platform to track CEs. Florida Board of Nursing

State LPN/LVN RN Additional Information Regulatory Agency Links
Georgia Complete 20 hours of continuing education as a condition of licensure renewal. Complete 30 continuing education hours by a Board-approved provider. Georgia Board of Nursing uses an online platform to track CEs. Georgia Board of Nursing
Hawaii 30 hours of continuing education courses completed within the biennium prior to the renewal, or one of the other approved learning options 30 hours of continuing education courses completed within the biennium prior to the renewal, or one of the other approved learning options All licenses, regardless of issuance date, are subject to renewal by June 30 of every odd-numbered year. Hawaii Board of Nursing
Idaho Fifteen contact hours of continuing education and one other learning activity identified by the Board, or at least two of any of the learning activities identified by the Board Fifteen contact hours of continuing education and one other learning activity identified by the Board, or at least two of any of the learning activities identified by the Board LPN license renewal period is June 1 through August 31 in even-numbered years.
RN license renewal period is May 1 through August 31 in odd-numbered years.
Idaho Board of Nursing
Illinois 20 hours of approved continuing education will be required for the February 1, 2023, through January 31, 2025, LPN license renewal cycle.
- Beginning with the 2025 LPN renewal, Illinois LPNs who provide health care services to
and have direct patient interaction with adults 26 years of age and older will be required to complete a one-hour course in diagnosis, treatment, and care of Alzheimer's disease, along with other dementia types.
-Implicit bias awareness training CE requirement for Illinois LPNs will begin as a license renewal requirement in 2025.
-Complete one hour of CE on the topic of sexual harassment prevention training.
All registered professional nurses shall complete 20 hours of approved continuing education per two-year license renewal cycle.
-Beginning with the 2024 RN renewal, Illinois RNs who provide health care services to
and have direct patient interaction with adults 26 years of age and older will be required to complete a one-hour course in diagnosis, treatment, and care of Alzheimer's disease, along with other dementia types.
-Implicit bias awareness training CE requirement for Illinois RNs will begin as a license renewal requirement in 2024.
-Complete one hour of CE on the topic of sexual harassment prevention training.
RN renewal FAQ
LPN renewal FAQ
Illinois Nursing Workforce Center
Licensure through the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
Indiana There are no CEU requirements for the renewal of LPN licenses in Indiana. There are no CEU requirements for the renewal of RN licenses in Indiana. Licensed practical nurse licenses expire on October 31 of every even-numbered year.
Registered nurse licenses expire on October 31 of every odd-numbered year.
Indiana Board of Nursing
Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
Iowa For renewal of LPN licenses, the requirement is 36 contact hours of continuing education. For renewal of RN licenses, the requirement is 36 contact hours of continuing education. It is also mandated that advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs), RNs, and LPNs who regularly examine, attend, counsel, or treat dependent adults or children in Iowa complete training related to the identification and reporting of child/dependent-adult abuse. The licensee completes the course offered by the Iowa Department of Human Services. Iowa Board of Nursing
Kansas 30 contact hours of approved CNE during the most recent licensing period 30 contact hours of approved CNE during the most recent licensing period The renewal window is 90 days or less from the expiration date. Kansas Board of Nursing
Kentucky LPNs must complete at least 14 contact hours of nursing continuing education through an approved or accepted provider annually between November 1 and October 31.
Effective January 13, all nurses must complete mandatory continuing education in suicide prevention and implicit bias.
RNs must complete at least 14 contact hours of nursing continuing education through an approved or accepted provider annually between November 1 and October 31.
Effective January 13, all nurses must complete mandatory continuing education in suicide prevention and implicit bias.
Kentucky LPN and RN licenses must be renewed between September 15 and midnight (ET) on October 31, 2023. Kentucky Board of Nursing
Louisiana There are no CEU requirements for LPNs at this time. However, a board-approved refresher course must be completed prior to license renewal when an LPN has not practiced for four or more years, regardless of the reason. Minimum of 30 board-approved contact hours of continuing education during the two-year licensure period, or one of three other options identified by the Board RN license renewal season is October 1 through December 31.
The LPN active renewal period is November 1 through January 31.
Louisiana Board of Nursing
Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners
Maine There is no CEU requirement for license renewal. There is no CEU requirement for license renewal. Maine Board of Nursing

State LPN/LVN RN Additional Information Regulatory Agency Links
Maryland LPNs must attest to the completion of an approved implicit bias training course and show evidence of the following:
-1,000 hours of active nursing practice within the five years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application
-Satisfactory completion of all requirements for a diploma or degree from a Board-approved nursing education program within the five years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application; or
-Completion of 30 continuing education units within the two years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application
RNs must attest to the completion of an approved implicit bias training course and show evidence of the following:
-1,000 hours of active nursing practice within the five years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application
-Satisfactory completion of all requirements for a diploma or degree from a Board-approved nursing education program within the five years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application; or
-Completion of 30 continuing education units within the two years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application
Implicit bias training course information
Maryland Board of Nursing
Maryland Division of State Documents
Massachusetts Completion of 15 contact hours of continuing education for the current registration period Completion of 15 contact hours of continuing education for the current registration period LPN licenses expire at 11:59 PM on your birthday in odd-numbered years. Your RN license expires at 11:59 PM on your birthday in even-numbered years. Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing
Michigan Michigan nurses are required to earn 25 hours of continuing education within the two-year period preceding the date of renewal. At least two of these hours must be in pain and pain symptom management. No more than 12 credit hours may be earned during a 24-hour period. Michigan nurses are required to earn 25 hours of continuing education within the two-year period preceding the date of renewal. At least two of these hours must be in pain and pain symptom management. No more than 12 credit hours may be earned during a 24-hour period. Nursing FAQs
Nurses who hold specialty licenses may have additional requirements. Please refer to the Administrative Rules for Health Professionals for more detailed information.
Michigan Bureau of Professional Licensing, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Minnesota Complete 12 contact hours of continuing education during a 24-month period of registration. This is a ratio of one contact hour for each two months of registration. Complete 24 contact hours of continuing education during a 24-month period of registration. This is a ratio of one contact hour for each month of registration. If your period of registration is less than or more than 24 months, you apply the same ratio. Minnesota Board of Nursing
Mississippi If the nurse has been out of practice for greater than five years, the LPN shall complete a minimum of 20 contact hours of accepted continuing education earned in the previous two-year period immediately prior to such application toward satisfying the requirement. If the nurse has been out of practice for greater than five years, the RN shall complete a minimum of 20 contact hours of accepted continuing education earned in the previous two-year period immediately prior to such application toward satisfying the requirement. The LPN renewal period is September 1 through December 31 in odd-numbered years.
The RN renewal period is September 1 through December 31 in even-numbered years.
Mississippi Board of Nursing
Missouri No continuing education requirements No continuing education requirements LPN licenses expire on May 31 of each even-numbered year.
RN licenses expire on April 30 of each odd-numbered year.
Missouri Board of Nursing - Missouri Division of Professional Registration
Montana Practical nurses must complete a minimum of 24 contact hours during the two-year renewal period. Registered nurses must complete a minimum of 24 contact hours during the two-year renewal period. Renewal FAQs Montana Board of Nursing
Nebraska Complete at least 20 contact hours of continuing education from an approved provider within the past two years. Complete at least 20 contact hours of continuing education from an approved provider within the past two years. LPN licenses expire on October 31 of each odd-numbered year.
RN licenses expire on October 31 of each even-numbered year.
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Nevada The Nevada Nurse Practice Act requires all renewing LPNs to complete 30 hours of nursing-related continuing education per renewal cycle. The Nurse Practice Act requires a two-hour cultural competency course every renewal cycle. The Nurse Practice Act requires a one-time four-hour bioterrorism course to be completed. The Nevada Nurse Practice Act requires all renewing RNs to complete 30 hours of nursing-related continuing education per renewal cycle. The Nurse Practice Act requires a two-hour cultural competency course every renewal cycle. The Nurse Practice Act requires a one-time four-hour bioterrorism course to be completed. New nurses who have earned their degrees within the last two years do not have to earn 30 CEs for their first renewal. However, they do need to complete the one-time four-hour bioterrorism CE requirement and a two-hour cultural competency course. The two-hour cultural competency course is required on every renewal. Nevada State Board of Nursing
New Hampshire 30 Continuing Education hours within two years of application date or has completed NCLEX Exam within two years of the application date 30 Continuing Education hours within two years of application date or has completed NCLEX Exam within two years of the application date Beginning on February 22, 2023, licenses issued will expire two years from the date of issuance, on the last day of the month in the month the license was issued. New Hampshire Board of Nursing
New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification

State LPN/LVN RN Additional Information Regulatory Agency Links
New Jersey Each licensee must complete a minimum of 30 contact hours of continuing education during the two-year period preceding renewal.
As a condition of biennial license renewal, all licensed practical nurses must complete one contact hour of continuing education concerning prescription opioid drugs, including alternatives to opioids for managing and treating pain and the risks and signs of opioid abuse, addiction, and diversion.
Each licensee must complete a minimum of 30 contact hours of continuing education during the two-year period preceding renewal.
As a condition of biennial license renewal, all registered professional nurses must complete one contact hour of continuing education concerning prescription opioid drugs, including alternatives to opioids for managing and treating pain and the risks and signs of opioid abuse, addiction, and diversion.
A licensee may carry over up to 15 additional continuing education contact hours into the next renewal period. New Jersey Board of Nursing
New Mexico 30 hours of approved CE must be accrued within the 24 months immediately preceding expiration of license. CE may be prorated to commensurate with the length of the renewal period. 30 hours of approved CE must be accrued within the 24 months immediately preceding expiration of license. CE may be prorated to commensurate with the length of the renewal period. The New Mexico Board of Nursing uses an online platform to track CEs. New Mexico Board of Nursing
New York All practicing LPNs must complete New York State Education Department (NYSED) approved infection control coursework every four years or qualify for an exemption. All practicing RNs must complete New York State Education Department (NYSED) approved infection control coursework every four years or qualify for an exemption. You must renew your registration every three years to continue to practice as an LPN or RN in New York State. New York State Office of the Professions
North Carolina One of the following is required:
-15 contact hours of continued education and 640 hours of active practice within the previous two years
-30 contact hours of continued education
-Completion of a Board-Approved Refresher Course
-Completion of a minimum of two semester hours of post-licensure academic education related to nursing practice
-15 contact hours of continued education and completion of a nursing project as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator to include statement of problem, project objectives, methods, date of completion and summary of findings
-15 contact hours of continued education and Authoring or Co-Authoring a nursing-related article, paper, book, or book chapter
-15 contact hours of continued education and developing and conducting a nursing continuing education presentation or presentations totaling a minimum of five contact hours
-National Certification or Re-certification by a National Credentialing Body recognized by the Board
One of the following is required:
-15 contact hours of continued education and 640 hours of active practice within the previous two years
-30 contact hours of continued education
-Completion of a Board-Approved Refresher Course
-Completion of a minimum of two semester hours of post-licensure academic education related to nursing practice
-15 contact hours of continued education and completion of a nursing project as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator to include statement of problem, project objectives, methods, date of completion and summary of findings
-15 contact hours of continued education and Authoring or Co-Authoring a nursing-related article, paper, book, or book chapter
-15 contact hours of continued education and developing and conducting a nursing continuing education presentation or presentations totaling a minimum of five contact hours
-National Certification or Re-certification by a National Credentialing Body recognized by the Board
NC Nurse FAQ North Carolina Board of Nursing
North Dakota All individuals renewing a nursing license must complete 12 contact hours of CE obtained within the preceding two years. All individuals renewing a nursing license must complete 12 contact hours of CE obtained within the preceding two years. Renewal Requirements FAQ North Dakota Board of Nursing
Ohio Complete at least 24 contact hours of CE that include at least one contact hour of Category A CE for each renewal.
For the period immediately following Ohio licensure by NCLEX examination, the nurse is not required to complete any contact hours of CE for the first license renewal.
Complete at least 24 contact hours of CE that include at least one contact hour of Category A CE for each renewal.
For the period immediately following Ohio licensure by NCLEX examination, the nurse is not required to complete any contact hours of CE for the first license renewal.
A nurse who has been licensed in Ohio by reciprocity for less than or equal to one year prior to the first Ohio license renewal must complete at least 12 contact hours rather than 24. Ohio Board of Nursing
Oklahoma Complete one or more of the following requirements within the past two years prior to the expiration date of the license:
-Employment in a position that requires a registered nurse/practical nurse license with verification of at least 520 work hours
-Completion of at least 24 contact hours of continuing education applicable to nursing practice
-Current certification in a nursing specialty area
-Completion of a Board-approved refresher course
-Completion of at least six academic semester credit hours of nursing
coursework at the licensee’s current level of licensure or higher
Complete one or more of the following requirements within the past two years prior to the expiration date of the license:
-Employment in a position that requires a registered nurse/practical nurse license with verification of at least 520 work hours
-Completion of at least 24 contact hours of continuing education applicable to nursing practice
-Current certification in a nursing specialty area
-Completion of a Board-approved refresher course
-Completion of at least six academic semester credit hours of nursing
coursework at the licensee’s current level of licensure or higher
License renewal guidelines Oklahoma Board of Nursing
Oregon Complete two hours of cultural competency education.
Receive one hour of pain management continuing education upon initial licensure and at every renewal thereafter. This one hour must be the Oregon Pain Management Commission module.
Complete two hours of cultural competency education.
Receive one hour of pain management continuing education upon initial licensure and at every renewal thereafter. This one hour must be the Oregon Pain Management Commission module.
List of approved Cultural Competence Education trainings Oregon State Board of Nursing
Pennsylvania Complete a Board-approved Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting continuing education (Child Abuse CE) course. Complete all 30 hours of CE in the time frame for your renewal period.
Complete a Board-approved Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting continuing education (Child Abuse CE) course.
Renewal tips
Continuing education FAQs for RNs
Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing

State LPN/LVN RN Additional Information Regulatory Agency Links
Rhode Island Complete ten continuing education hours during every two-year licensing cycle; two of those hours must be about substance abuse.
Complete one hour (per career) of CEU training regarding Alzheimer’s disease.
Complete ten continuing education hours during every two-year licensing cycle; two of those hours must be about substance abuse.
Complete one hour (per career) of CEU training regarding Alzheimer’s disease.
Renewal notices are sent out 60 days before the expiration date. Rhode Island Board of Nursing
South Carolina Meet at least one of the following requirements:
-Completion of 30 contact hours from a continuing education provider recognized by the board
-Maintenance of certification or re-certification by a national certifying body recognized by the board
-Completion of an academic program of study in nursing or a related field recognized by the board
-Verification of competency and the number of hours practiced as evidenced by employer certification
Meet at least one of the following requirements:
-Completion of 30 contact hours from a continuing education provider recognized by the board
-Maintenance of certification or re-certification by a national certifying body recognized by the board
-Completion of an academic program of study in nursing or a related field recognized by the board
-Verification of competency and the number of hours practiced as evidenced by employer certification
All nursing licenses in South Carolina expire on April 30 of even years. South Carolina Board of Nursing
South Dakota Continuing education is not a requirement for licensure renewal. Continuing education is not a requirement for licensure renewal. There is a minimum practice requirement in place for license renewal. South Dakota Board of Nursing
Tennessee Must meet two continuing competence requirements every renewal period. One of the listed requirements is to provide evidence of five contact hours of continuing education. Must meet two continuing competence requirements every renewal period. One of the listed requirements is to provide evidence of five contact hours of continuing education. Continuing Competence Requirements Tennessee Board of Nursing
Texas LVNs must complete 20 contact hours of continuing nursing education in the nurse’s area of practice or demonstrate the achievement, maintenance, or renewal of a Board-approved national nursing certification in the nurse’s area of practice within the licensing period and meet the applicable targeted continuing education requirements. RNs must complete 20 contact hours of continuing nursing education in the nurse’s area of practice or demonstrate the achievement, maintenance, or renewal of a Board-approved national nursing certification in the nurse’s area of practice within the licensing period and meet the applicable targeted continuing education requirements. According to Texas Board of Nursing rule 216.1, “targeted continuing education” applies. Nurses should review the Texas Board of Nursing website for more information. Texas Board of Nursing
Utah Completed licensed practice for at least 400 hours or licensed practice for at least 200 hours and completed 15 hours of approved continuing education or completed 30 hours of approved continuing education during the past two years. Completed licensed practice for at least 400 hours or licensed practice for at least 200 hours and completed 15 hours of approved continuing education or completed 30 hours of approved continuing education during the past two years. LPN licenses expire on January 31 of even years.
RN licenses expire on January 31 of odd years.
Renewal notices are sent 60 days in advance.
Utah Board of Nursing
Vermont Meet one of the following requirements:
-Active practice hour requirement
-Completed 20 hours of continuing education within the last two years
-Hold a nationally recognized nursing certification
-Completed an original/initial nursing program or re-entry nursing program within the last five years
Meet one of the following requirements:
-Active practice hour requirement
-Completed 20 hours of continuing education within the last two years
-Hold a nationally recognized nursing certification
-Completed an original/initial nursing program or re-entry nursing program within the last five years
Renewal period begins six weeks before expiration date Vermont Office of Professional Regulation
Virginia Must meet at least one of the continued competency requirements. Two of the listed requirements have contact hour components. Must meet at least one of the continued competency requirements. Two of the listed requirements have contact hour components. List of continued competency requirements Virginia Board of Nursing
Washington Eight continuing education hours and 96 practice hours due every year Eight continuing education hours and 96 practice hours due every year Annual renewal required by birthdate of licensee Washington State Nurse Licensing
West Virginia LPNs are required to complete 24 contact hours of continuing education and engage in 400 clock hours of LPN practice in each two year reporting period. Reporting occurs on even years. RNs are required to complete 12 hours of continuing education during each renewal period.
RNs must complete three contact hours of CE for drug diversion training, best-practice prescribing of controlled substances training, and training on prescribing and administering an opioid antagonist if they prescribe, administer, or dispense controlled substances within one year of receiving their initial license from the Board.
LPN reporting occurs on even-numbered years.
RNs track continuing education through an online platform.
West Virginia RN Board
West Virginia LPN Board
Wisconsin Continued education not required for renewal Continued education not required for renewal LPNs renew May 1 of each odd-numbered year.
RNs renew February 28 or 29 of even-numbered years.
Wisconsin Board of Nursing (under the Department of Safety and Professional Services)
Wyoming Meet one of the following requirements:
-If employed for at least 400 hours in the past two years, you do not need to complete any additional CEUs.
-If employed 200 hours in the past two years, you will need to complete 15 CEUs.
-If employed less than 200 hours in the past two years, you will need to complete 30 CEUs.
Meet one of the following requirements:
-If employed for at least 400 hours in the past two years, you do not need to complete any additional CEUs.
-If employed 200 hours in the past two years, you will need to complete 15 CEUs.
-If employed less than 200 hours in the past two years, you will need to complete 30 CEUs.
Renewals processed through online portal
CEUs tracked through an online platform
Wyoming Board of Nursing

(Most recent data as of June 18, 2023)

Lori Fuqua
Blog published on:
July 28, 2023

Lori is a contributing copywriter at Nursa who creates compelling content focusing on location highlights, nurse licensing, compliance, community, and social care.

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